I can't keep my eyes off the screen from watching videos of the damage, and actual tornadoes, from last night's storm. I am clear across the country, but almost my entire family is in Georgia. Thankfully, they are in Southeast GA, so they are all okay, with just strong winds & rain. It breaks my heart to see all the damage, and to watch the death/injury tolls rise. The videos of the tornadoes themselves are terrifying. Please keep the families affected by these storms in your thoughts, prayers, and hearts as everyone copes with loss of homes, belongings, and most importantly, loved ones.
This is the page that I most recently read.. the last video has the most information, the first 2 are videos of the hurricanes. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110428/ts_yblog_thelookout/watch-tuscaloosas-terrifying-tornado
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Mama to 4 Blessings is hosting a giveaway!!
Mama to 4 Blessings is hosting a giveaway for a Cool Zooey Fliptop & E-Z Freeze Snack Time!! These are great cups for those young kids or toddlers in your life!!

Go here to enter!!
5 Question Friday!!
1. What is your favorite Easter tradition?
Dying eggs & spending time with family :)
2. Are you a "shower" or a "long, hot bath" kind of person?
ahh,... the days of long, hot baths!! I would most definitely love a long hot bath, but alas, between my 2 year old trying to climb in with me, and being way to tall for a normal tub (I feel scrunched!) I don't take baths very often!
3. Can you parallel park and if so when is the last time you did it?
The last time I paralleled parked was almost 4 years ago when I got my license... and I aced it--100!! :) Not that I could do it now though....
4. What is your favorite Easter candy?
I don't really have a favorite, but I love anything with creamy chocolate (not hard-melt it if you have to!) or soft caramel!
5. Easter: do you go all out with the Easter Bunny or focus on the religious part of the holiday?
When I was younger & lived close to my family, we went all out on both aspects, special dresses, church with the whole family, huge dinner at my great-grandma's, special baskets, candy, egg hunts, family pics, etc. But now that we live 1700 miles from pretty much everyone we know, we're staying home!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
FFCM is trying to get to 1000 followers... with a GIVEAWAY!
Free Stuff, Fun Sites, Contests, & More is trying to make it to 1000 followers by hosting a great giveaway! Until she gets to 1000 followers, or 4/24 (whichever comes LAST) you can enter her giveaway for a great swag bag worth AT LEAST $50!! I was follower #950... so hurry up before this giveaway is gone! Go to FFCM to enter!!
5 Minutes for Mom is hosting a HUGE Mother's Day giveaway from today (April 21) through May 8th!!
All kinds of things are being given away, from chocolates to strollers to a new laptop!!
Check it out :)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
My First Blog Award!!

Thanks to Lisa at Planet Weidknecht for giving me this award!!
The Rules After Accepting this Award:
-Thank the person who awarded you
-Divulge 7 things about yourself
-Award 15 discovered bloggers
7 things about me...
-I spend most days at home in sweatpants & tshirts
-My favorite food in the world is really cheesy squash casserole
-I want to visit Italy someday
-I wish I had an endless supply of gift cards just for crafting!
-I prefer to watch TV shows rather than movies
-I can't wait to have more babies :)
-I used to be a great writer, not so much anymore! I need some inspiration :)
My 15 Discovered Bloggers are... (in no particular order)
5. Aroma Luna
6. Bored Mommy
11. Hoot Designs
15. The Artsy Mama
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
In less than 3 weeks, me & Rueben will be going to visit family in GA for a month! I am so excited :) This is my second time flying with him, and last time was a complete disaster! We left the week before Thanksgiving last year, and our flight was scheduled for early in the morning (I don't remember the exact time). Well the night before, we got our first BIG snowfall of the year, and all the roads out of town were closed. You see, where we live, there are like 3 roads out of town, all interstates. So they had police cars sitting at the entrances blocking anybody from access. So I was on the phone & internet all night trying to see when the roads would be clear & if Delta would be able to get me on the next flight. (Of course we can, as long as you pay $100 extra per ticket for the fee!") Well we missed the next flight, too, and finally got there like 45 minutes before the second flight was supposed to go out. I sat at the ticket counter arguing forever with the lady about everything, because Delta had finally said they wouldn't charge me the $200 because it wasn't my fault I missed the flight, and who finally apologized and didn't make me pay the $200 or any baggage fees...WHOO-HOO! Only problem was, I had about 15 minutes to run from one end of the airport to the other, and go through security with a 2 year old... AGGHHH!
Well I made it, barely, but I was red faced & winded from running with him. They had to let me switch seats with someone because there weren't 2 seats left beside each other, so we ended up with me in the aisle and him in the middle. Well he was decent for the first half of the flight, but towards the end, he started kicking the guy sleeping by the window, or pulling on his shirt, coloring on the trays, kicking and screaming wanting to get in the floor, etc. It was terrible! When we finally landed & got off the plane, I called my mom (who was picking us up), who was stuck in Atlanta traffic :( So I waited at the baggage carousel for like an hour, waiting on her, and looking for my one suitcase. It was pretty obvious, it's black with huge flipflops all over it (as you can tell, I didn't want it to get lost). Well guess what? It did! Apparently, the lady at the ticket counter didn't think I would make it to the flight, so she put my bag on the next plane.... So when my mom finally got to the airport, we were stuck in Atlanta for over 3 hours waiting on the next flight to come in with my bag. Then they couldn't find it for like ever, & when I almost blew my top, it mysteriously showed up! Seriously, my eyebrow twitched like the whole 4 hours back to her house. I was THAT stressed out...
So anyways, I am hoping to be more prepared this time around. Rueben has an iXL that he got for Christmas, I am trying my hardest to load my iPod up with free shows that he would like, and I've been working on a quiet book with stuff I have around the house. It's not the best, most people make theirs out of fabric and/or felt, but mine is mostly construction paper, with a small felt board in the back. I added a few ziploc bags with holes punched in the sides to hold his felt pieces. I'm hoping between all this stuff, a few trains, his blanket, and drinks and snacks. He will be entertained. All I'm bringing for myself is my e-reader, which unless he falls asleep, I probably won't use anyway. Wish me luck :)
Also, while I'm in GA, I don't know how much I will be posting. I don't have any review books coming for now, because I won't be home to get them, but other posts, I'm just not sure yet what internet access I will have. My moms internet is always messed up, but hopefully there will be someone coming to fix it before I get there, that way we can Skype with Terry some. Then when I get back, I have less than 3 weeks before Terry graduates and we move, so I will be packing up our house. Hopefully I can still get on here though :)
Just a few notes...
Keeping You in Stitches now has a Facebook page! This is the link. I only have 5 fans on here :( Please add me!
I also have a page set up for my business, go here to 'like'. If you are interested in ordering anything, you can e-mail me at mh_stitchesoflove@yahoo.com or message/comment me on this blog or on the FB page.
Well I made it, barely, but I was red faced & winded from running with him. They had to let me switch seats with someone because there weren't 2 seats left beside each other, so we ended up with me in the aisle and him in the middle. Well he was decent for the first half of the flight, but towards the end, he started kicking the guy sleeping by the window, or pulling on his shirt, coloring on the trays, kicking and screaming wanting to get in the floor, etc. It was terrible! When we finally landed & got off the plane, I called my mom (who was picking us up), who was stuck in Atlanta traffic :( So I waited at the baggage carousel for like an hour, waiting on her, and looking for my one suitcase. It was pretty obvious, it's black with huge flipflops all over it (as you can tell, I didn't want it to get lost). Well guess what? It did! Apparently, the lady at the ticket counter didn't think I would make it to the flight, so she put my bag on the next plane.... So when my mom finally got to the airport, we were stuck in Atlanta for over 3 hours waiting on the next flight to come in with my bag. Then they couldn't find it for like ever, & when I almost blew my top, it mysteriously showed up! Seriously, my eyebrow twitched like the whole 4 hours back to her house. I was THAT stressed out...
So anyways, I am hoping to be more prepared this time around. Rueben has an iXL that he got for Christmas, I am trying my hardest to load my iPod up with free shows that he would like, and I've been working on a quiet book with stuff I have around the house. It's not the best, most people make theirs out of fabric and/or felt, but mine is mostly construction paper, with a small felt board in the back. I added a few ziploc bags with holes punched in the sides to hold his felt pieces. I'm hoping between all this stuff, a few trains, his blanket, and drinks and snacks. He will be entertained. All I'm bringing for myself is my e-reader, which unless he falls asleep, I probably won't use anyway. Wish me luck :)
Also, while I'm in GA, I don't know how much I will be posting. I don't have any review books coming for now, because I won't be home to get them, but other posts, I'm just not sure yet what internet access I will have. My moms internet is always messed up, but hopefully there will be someone coming to fix it before I get there, that way we can Skype with Terry some. Then when I get back, I have less than 3 weeks before Terry graduates and we move, so I will be packing up our house. Hopefully I can still get on here though :)
Just a few notes...
Keeping You in Stitches now has a Facebook page! This is the link. I only have 5 fans on here :( Please add me!
I also have a page set up for my business, go here to 'like'. If you are interested in ordering anything, you can e-mail me at mh_stitchesoflove@yahoo.com or message/comment me on this blog or on the FB page.
Monday, April 18, 2011
GA Bulldogs Blanket
So lately I have been working on a GA Bulldogs baby blanket.. I was so nervous about doing this because the G is mostly curves, and most of the specialty blankets I've done consisted of mostly straight lines... It's for a friend from high school, and she ordered it for her little girl she will be having late summer :) Here is a picture of what I've done so far...
What do you think?
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Little Man Update :)
Well I haven't done this before... but I did originally start this blog for my little man... So I figured I would give a little update on how he's been... Even though he's not much of a little man anymore :(
Medical Stuff...
Rueben turned 31 months old this past Friday (April 15). When we went to the doctor Thursday for a checkup & some late immunizations, he weighed 33.25 lbs & is 37 inches tall!! He's a big guy :) That is 1 1/4 lbs & 1/2 inch taller than just a month ago! It makes me so sad that he will be 3 in less than 5 short months :( That means he should be starting school next year (unless his birthday is too late? Sept. 15.. does anybody know what the usual cut-off date is?)
A few things he likes to do & say...
CHOO-CHOO!!! This is your new favorite word!! You are obsessed with Thomas the Train..he's your favorite toy!! You have about 6 trains, and you play with them all the time!! I wanted to take you to a Thomas show this summer, but I think you're still a little too young, so maybe next year! We just love pointing out the train on the few occasions that we pass it on the highway, and you get so excited :)
You are doing pretty good with your potty-training. You don't have night accidents anymore, and are completely in underwear!! You still think it's funny too potty on the floor at home sometimes, but always do great when we are out & about. We are so proud of you!
Another new word is MINE... I do not like this one!! You also like to tell me to SHOO when I'm trying to get something from you that you don't need to have... you say SHOO, MINE!! And although I try not to, I can't help but giggle sometimes :) I'm so proud that you're finally starting to talk more!
You know where everything is in each cabinet, and you definitely let us know when you want something! While you don't usually tell us what you want, you tell us to "Mon!" (Come on) and wave your hand toward the kitchen or wherever you want us to go. Then you go straight to the cabinet you want, and we show you everything in it... And you tell us Nuh-uh or Hmm depending on what you want :)
We are going on your second plane trip in just 3 weeks! Me & you are taking a trip to GA for about a month to visit family.. hopefully this time goes better! Last time, we got snowed in, so when we missed our first flight, Mommy got very stressed out! Hopefully this time I will be more prepared & since it will be in May, hopefully no snow! I've made you a quiet book, and we will take your iXL and some trains for the flight... I'm also considering buying the tv stations for a little extra entertainment :)
Medical Stuff...
Rueben turned 31 months old this past Friday (April 15). When we went to the doctor Thursday for a checkup & some late immunizations, he weighed 33.25 lbs & is 37 inches tall!! He's a big guy :) That is 1 1/4 lbs & 1/2 inch taller than just a month ago! It makes me so sad that he will be 3 in less than 5 short months :( That means he should be starting school next year (unless his birthday is too late? Sept. 15.. does anybody know what the usual cut-off date is?)
A few things he likes to do & say...
CHOO-CHOO!!! This is your new favorite word!! You are obsessed with Thomas the Train..he's your favorite toy!! You have about 6 trains, and you play with them all the time!! I wanted to take you to a Thomas show this summer, but I think you're still a little too young, so maybe next year! We just love pointing out the train on the few occasions that we pass it on the highway, and you get so excited :)
You are doing pretty good with your potty-training. You don't have night accidents anymore, and are completely in underwear!! You still think it's funny too potty on the floor at home sometimes, but always do great when we are out & about. We are so proud of you!
Another new word is MINE... I do not like this one!! You also like to tell me to SHOO when I'm trying to get something from you that you don't need to have... you say SHOO, MINE!! And although I try not to, I can't help but giggle sometimes :) I'm so proud that you're finally starting to talk more!
You know where everything is in each cabinet, and you definitely let us know when you want something! While you don't usually tell us what you want, you tell us to "Mon!" (Come on) and wave your hand toward the kitchen or wherever you want us to go. Then you go straight to the cabinet you want, and we show you everything in it... And you tell us Nuh-uh or Hmm depending on what you want :)
We are going on your second plane trip in just 3 weeks! Me & you are taking a trip to GA for about a month to visit family.. hopefully this time goes better! Last time, we got snowed in, so when we missed our first flight, Mommy got very stressed out! Hopefully this time I will be more prepared & since it will be in May, hopefully no snow! I've made you a quiet book, and we will take your iXL and some trains for the flight... I'm also considering buying the tv stations for a little extra entertainment :)
In My Mailbox #2
I haven't posted this in a few books, but I have several books that I have received (for free) from SheKnows Points & Prizes, and one for review from Blogging for Books.

I received this book from Blogging for Books, and you can read my review here.
I received this book from SheKnows (at a great discount!). Lately, they have been having weekly deals on books, sometimes going from 100,000 points down to 10,000!! This one is called The Laird Who Loved Me by Karen Hawkins, and here is what the back cover says....
Handsome Alexander MacLean enjoyed his intoxicating flirtation with lovely Caitlyn Hurst... until she embarrassed him in fron of the entire ton. Orchestrating Caitlyn's attendance at a fashionable house party. Alexander plots her downfall. But to his fury, her charm and wit thwart his plan to ruin her.
Her disastrous London season left Caitlyn filled with regret and determined to make things right with Alexander. She's delighted to find him at the house party to which she's unexpectedly invited--but it's clear that the sexy, arrogant Highlander hasn't forgiven her. So Caitlyn comes up with a bold scheme, proposing an unusual contest drawn from legend: each must compete a set of "mythic" tasks. If Caitlyn succeeds, Alexander promises to relent and forgive her previous rash behavior; if he succeeds, she will join him in his bed! But can Caitlyn force Alexander to give up his quest for vengeance without giving up her heart in return?
Another SheKnows book! Queen of the Night by J.A. Jance--Back cover synopsis...
Every summer, the Queen of the Night flower blooms in the Arizona desert--a sacred event commemorated throughout the Tohono O'odham Nation. But this year, one couple's celebration is prematurely destroyed by gunfire...and the sole witness to the carnage is a little girl who has lost the only family she's ever known.
Dr. Lani Walker recognizes the trauma of her own childhood reflected in her devastated young patient. Joining Dan Pardee--a member of the unorthodox Shadow Wolves border patrol--Lani vows to keep the child safe while tracking down a ruthless killer. Meanwhile, Lani's adoptive father, retired homicide detective Brandon Walker, sees a break in his investigation of the long unsolved murder of an Arizona State University coed--while his wife, Diana Ladd, relives terrible memories of a man whose death haunts her still.
Last but not least, Feel the Heat by Cindy Gerard.
A Race for Survival...
Bold, blonde Defense Intelligence officer B.J. Chase isn't exactly thrilled when she's summoned from personal leave to investigate an alarming national security breach--until the suspicious death of a government official blows her covert mission sky-high.
Turns Into a Pulse-Pounding Adventure...
Gorgeous Black Ops bad boy Raphael Mendoza always feared his family's dark history would haunt him. But he never expected it might hold the key to dismantling a rogue weapons system. Now with cool B.J. Chase posing as his hot babe fiancée, he returns to his uncle in Colombia to convince him he can be trusted with the family's dirtiest business secrets.
...And Ignites a Passionate Fire.
Carrying out a deception among ruthless killers brings Rafe and B.J. too close to ignore the smoldering heat between them. Now, they must work together as the closest of partners as the countdown to international catastrophe closes in...
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Dinosaur Train DVD Giveaway!
Mama to 4 Blessings is hosting a giveaway for the DINOSAUR TRAIN - PTERANODON FAMILY WORLD TOUR ADVENTURES DVD!!! Rueben just loves this show, we watch it on Netflix all the time! It's very educational, but also a lot of fun to watch! And it's a great show for parents too--it's not annoying like a lot of kids shows these days!!
Go here to enter!! I did :)
Go here to enter!! I did :)
Friday Hops!
2. What was your best birthday ever? I really don't remember.. I know that I had a lot of fun at my 7th birthday though :) I had a water/slumber party with all my best girlfriends!
3. What is your favorite dessert? Ohh.. this is a hard one! I love chocolate, especially in creamy pies or moist cakes!
4. What is the best excuse you've ever used to get out of a ticket? I've only been pulled over one time in my life (on the way to school) and just told him I didn't want to be late!
5. Do you wake up before your alarm, with your alarm, or after hitting snooze several times? I'm a SAHM, so I usually just wake up whenever Rueben wakes up or if I have an appointment, then I wake up with my alarm!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A few questions... :)
Hey everyone!! I'm trying to get back on the blogging bandwagon after being extremely sick for over a week now, but first I have a few questions :)
First, I've had a few people ask me about paying for some of my craft items with Paypal... well I don't have a Paypal yet, and I'm just wondering if that is a legit way to accept & transfer money, or if it comes with a lot of problems? I don't have my own bank account, so I thought this might be a good way to take orders without people having to send cash or money orders. Please let me know if you have any experience with Paypal (good or bad!) by either commenting here or e-mailing me at mh_stitchesoflove@yahoo.com
Second, farther in the future, I would be interested in reviewing products through my blog. I already review books through Blogging for Books, but I am interested in trying out other stuff! If you do this, or know how I can sign up, please let me know! I've tried using CrowdTap, but I'm more interested in receiving a product to review &/or give away, rather than hosting products. Again, please comment here or e-mail me at mh_stitchesoflove@yahoo.com if you have any experience with reviews, or know how I can get involved.
Thank you all :)
First, I've had a few people ask me about paying for some of my craft items with Paypal... well I don't have a Paypal yet, and I'm just wondering if that is a legit way to accept & transfer money, or if it comes with a lot of problems? I don't have my own bank account, so I thought this might be a good way to take orders without people having to send cash or money orders. Please let me know if you have any experience with Paypal (good or bad!) by either commenting here or e-mailing me at mh_stitchesoflove@yahoo.com
Second, farther in the future, I would be interested in reviewing products through my blog. I already review books through Blogging for Books, but I am interested in trying out other stuff! If you do this, or know how I can sign up, please let me know! I've tried using CrowdTap, but I'm more interested in receiving a product to review &/or give away, rather than hosting products. Again, please comment here or e-mail me at mh_stitchesoflove@yahoo.com if you have any experience with reviews, or know how I can get involved.
Thank you all :)
Monday, April 11, 2011
A-Z Meme :)
I found this meme at How to Survive Life in the Suburbs and thought I would play along :) Enjoy!
A. Age: 19 :) B. Bed size: Queen.. We used to have a king, but I slept in the middle anyway, so we went smaller!
C. Chore you dislike: bathrooms, and dishes
D. Dogs: not yet :(
D. Dogs: not yet :(
E. Essential start to your day: bathroom break, cold splash to the face, and something to drink
F. Favorite color: I like pink, blue, and white.
G. Gold or silver: silver!
H. Height: 5'8"
I. Instruments you play(ed): I used to play tenor saxophone in middle school
J. Job title: mommy, fiancee, daughter, sister, crafter
K. Kids: this should be singular for now--I only have my 2 1/2 yr old son named Rueben
F. Favorite color: I like pink, blue, and white.
G. Gold or silver: silver!
H. Height: 5'8"
I. Instruments you play(ed): I used to play tenor saxophone in middle school
J. Job title: mommy, fiancee, daughter, sister, crafter
K. Kids: this should be singular for now--I only have my 2 1/2 yr old son named Rueben
L. Live: In Wyoming til Terry graduates this June.
M. Mom’s name: Shanna
N. Nicknames: Maddi (unfortunately)
M. Mom’s name: Shanna
N. Nicknames: Maddi (unfortunately)
O. Overnight hospital stays: Just when I had Rueben.
P. Pet peeves: I honestly can't name them, but I know I have several!
P. Pet peeves: I honestly can't name them, but I know I have several!
Q. Quote from a movie: I never can think of a good one!
R. Righty or Lefty: righty!
S. Siblings: all younger--16 yr old step-sister, 13 yr old half-sister, 12 yr old half-brother, & 10 yr old half-brother
T. Time you wake up: When Rueben makes me. :) U. Underwear: of course!!
V. Vegetables you don’t like: Out of the ones I've tried, 'greens' (like mustards & turnips), & asparagus
T. Time you wake up: When Rueben makes me. :) U. Underwear: of course!!
V. Vegetables you don’t like: Out of the ones I've tried, 'greens' (like mustards & turnips), & asparagus
W. What makes you run late: I never can find anything to wear that I'm happy with.
X. X-rays you’ve had: Not many
X. X-rays you’ve had: Not many
Y. Yummy food you make: Um... I make good meatloaf, & something called "Chicken Pot Pie Mash-Up" which I found online somewhere awhile back.. It's like Shepherd's Pie & Chicken Pot Pie mixed together, but with no burger
Z. Zoo Animal Favourites: I like the monkeys & tigers!
Friday, April 8, 2011
New Blog Facebook Page!!
I just created a Facebook page for this blog!! :) Finally, huh? Here is the URL.. When I reach 25 fans, I can personalize the URL. So help me reach it soon, cause I really don't like all these numbers!!
God Gave Us You--REVIEW
Back cover synopsis:
When a charming polar bear cub climbs into bed one night, she asks her mama a very important question--one that little "human cubs" often wonder about too:
"Where did I come from?"
As Mama Bear tucks her young cub under the quilts, she gently, tenderly, and reassuringly communicates the message loving parents everywhere (bears and non-bears alike) want their little ones to hear: "We wanted you very, very much, and we are so very glad because...
"God gave us you."
Perfect for bedtime, naptime, storytime, or anytime, God Gave Us You provides a valuable opportunity to build children's self-esteem every day and assure each one that he or she truly is a welcomed, precious, and treasured gift from above.
My Review:
I absolutely loved this book! The pictures were amazing, and the story was wonderfully told. Rueben loved pointing out all the different animals in the pictures, which were never too overwhelming. My favorite picture was of the Mama & Daddy Bear swimming in the ocean with a whale and several seals. Over them, were two polar bear angels "celebrating". My favorite lines were: "Every night, I prayed for you, my special child. I prayed that your bones would be straight and your heart would be strong. But most of all, I prayed that someday you would love God."
My favorite thing about God Gave Us You was the fact that it was told as if the bears were real people. It showed Mama & Baby cuddling in a bed with blankets, Mama getting the crib & nursery ready, riding with Daddy Bear in a sled to deliver the baby, etc. I think it really helps children understand where they come from, rather than trying to portray the message from a polar bears' point of view! I also loved that the book emphasized that every child is special, and that we, as parents, would never want a different child.
Overall, I give this book 5 of 5 stars!
**I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review**
100 Truths!
Another blog I follow Moms Bookshelf & More posted this recently, so I thought I would join in on the fun!
1. Last beverage: sweet tea
2. Last phone call: I talked to my mom last night :)
3. Last text message: My best friend, Ashley
4. Last song you listened to: Blue's Clues theme song :/ lol
5. Last time you cried: last night watching Army Wives season 2
6. Dated someone twice: Yes
7. Been cheated on: Yes
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Yes
9. Lost someone special: Unfortunately
10. Been depressed: Not diagnosed, but yes
11. Been drunk and threw up: nope!
12. Hot pink
13. Black
14. White
15. Made a new friend?: Yes!
16. Fallen out of love? No
17. Laughed until you cried?: Yes
18. Met someone who changed you?: No
19. Found out who your true friends were?: Not this year!
20. Found out someone was talking about you?: Yup
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friends' list?: My lovely fiance :)
22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life? Not sure of an exact number.. most I went to school with or have met online
24. Do you have any pets? Unfortunately no :(
26. What did you do for your last birthday? Umm... I don't really remember! That is terrible
27. What time did you wake up today?: 8:21 am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night?: Unlocking the door for Terry to come in from the gym, then goin to bed
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: Possibly going to GA in May to visit my family!
30. Last time you saw your Mother?: 12/30/2010
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? I wish I had stayed at my high school instead of moving right before my senior year & homeschooling myself
32. What are you listening to right now? Blue's Clues
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: I don't think so
34. What's getting on your nerves right now? How sick I am!
35. Most visited webpage?: Probably facebook
37. Nicknames: Maddi (unfortunately)
38. Relationship Status: engaged
39. Zodiac Sign: Gemini
40. Lady or Gent?: Lady
41. Elementary?: Glennville Elementary
42. Middle School?:Glennville Middle
43. High School?: Tattnall County High, then Fontainebleau High
44. Hair Color?: Naturally dark blonde, but currently kinda auburn, but I want to dye it back more original
45. Long or short?: Long--to my waist!
46. Height? :5'8"
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: My fiance
48. What do you like about yourself? I like that I always try to make everyone around me happy in some way
49. Piercings?: Yes my ears, top & bottom, old belly button hole from pre-pregnancy
50. Tattoos? not yet :(
51. Righty or lefty? righty
52. First surgery?: tonsilectomy when I was 10
53. First Piercing?: Ears
54. First best friend?: Jennifer A.--we met in daycare, and stayed friends until senior year
55. First sport you joined? umm... tennis I think. Only played 1 year!
58. Notice 56 & 57 missing?: No, I didn't until it was pointed out
59. Eating: nothing right now
60. Drinking : sweet tea
61. *Poke*: ok lol
62. *Poke*:ok, thats annoying
63. Waiting for?: umm... to get feeling better!
64. Want kids? I only have 1 so far, but I want 3... 2 boys, then a girl last :)
65. Get Married? I want to!
66. Career? Stay at home Mom and owner of Stitches of Love
67. Lips or eyes? : eyes
68. Hugs or kisses : either
69. Shorter or taller : Taller
70. Older or Younger: older
71. Romantic or spontanous: Both
72. Nice stomach or nice arms : both
73. Sensitive or loud :a balance between both
74. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship
75. Trouble-maker or hesitant : I like to have fun!
76. Kissed a stranger?: no
77. Drank hard liquor?: A few times :/
78. Lost glasses/contacts?: Hasn't everyone?
79. Had sex on first date?: Seriously..who answers that?
80. Broken someone's heart?: Yes
81. Had your own heart broken?: Of course
83. Turned someone down?: Yes
84. Cried when someone died?: Yes
85. Fallen for a friend?: Yes
86. Yourself?: Sometimes
87. Miracles?: Yes
88. Love at first sight?: Not really
89. Heaven?: Yes
90. Santa Claus?: O yes!! Those who don't believe don't receive!
91. Kiss on the first date?: yep
92. Angels?: Yes :)
93. Had more than one bf/gf at the same time?: no
94. Is there one person you want to be with right now? sure
95. Did you sing today? I sang Blue's Clues with Rueben earlier :)
96. Ever cheated on somebody? Yes :/
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go, and why? Probably back to my teen years, give it another try
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? Umm.... not sure
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? No, I already am in love
100. Posting this as 100 truths? Yes, on my blog
Friday Hops!
Sorry I haven't posted much this week--me & Rueben are sick :( I have the flu & he has a cold & ear infection..& let me just say--I absolutely hate being sick!! Anyway, here are today's hops :)

1. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
Honestly--I would probably change my size, I'm really tall and overweight (!) so I would like to be a little shorter and smaller :)
2. Write about a time when you got lost.
I really don't remember a time I've gotten lost.. unless you count a time when I got my eyes dilated and went in the men's restroom at Wal-Mart!
3. Camping or 5 star hotel?
That's a toughie! I haven't went camping since I was a kid, even though I would love to, but I think after a day or so I would definitely want a shower!
4. Have you donated blood?
No, actually I haven't. The only time I have been close to having an opportunity to donate, I was pregnant :( So I just helped out at the blood drive instead.
5. Do you have a budget or do you 'fly by' most months?
Well each month, we pay our few bills on the first, or whenever they're due, then we just fly by the rest of the month.. We really need to start saving!
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