Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Hops!

Stalk Hop FridayPhotobucket 

#ff63e0 Crazy About My Baybah 

1. What is your favorite sign of spring? Being able to wear short sleeve shirts & light jackets--I hate bulky clothes!

2. What was your best birthday ever? I really don't remember.. I know that I had a lot of fun at my 7th birthday though :) I had a water/slumber party with all my best girlfriends!

3. What is your favorite dessert? Ohh.. this is a hard one! I love chocolate, especially in creamy pies or moist cakes!

4. What is the best excuse you've ever used to get out of a ticket? I've only been pulled over one time in my life (on the way to school) and just told him I didn't want to be late!

5. Do you wake up before your alarm, with your alarm, or after hitting snooze several times? I'm a SAHM, so I usually just wake up whenever Rueben wakes up or if I have an appointment, then I wake up with my alarm!


  1. Stopping by from the Friday Hop to say hello.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. I am now following you from the hop and would love a follow back at
