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1. If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?Hmm.. I'd have to say some cheesy squash casserole!! I love that stuff! I request it everytime I visit my moms house :)
2. Do you write your blog posts in advance or the day you post them?So far, I've only written my posts on the day I post them... This is a great idea though!3. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?Nope, I have never ridden in an ambulance *knock on wood*
4. What is your favorite candle scent?I don't have a 'favorite' scent exactly, but I love home-y scents, like cookies, seasonal, and linen.
5. Coffee or tea?I've only been a coffee drinker since I had Rueben (count that to sleepless nights & early morning homeschooling sessions!) but recently, when I was sick, I tried hot tea with honey, and loved it!! Unless this question was asking about sweet tea, which is my all-time fave!!
New follower from the blog hop. Would love for you to follow me back.
I'm following from the Magnificent Monday blog hop! Hoping you can return the favor :)!
Following from MM Becca's Perspective...follow me?
My address is http://1atplay.blogspot.com/ Sorry about that..sometimes i make silly mistakes...follow me now??