Friday, March 25, 2011

So excited!!

I am so excited!! Christy at Raising Knights commented on a previous post (where I might have mentioned that I am SO interested in reviewing books) that I can go to this website (  ) to receive & review books.

Can I just say THANK YOU?!?
O and how AWESOME is that?

I am absolutely thrilled... It seems though that I have ventured off from my 'original' idea for this blog, which was mainly sewing & crocheting, but that's okay. Basically this blog is about my life, which involves sewing, crocheting, Rueben, me, and now READING :)) 

I hope that's okay with everyone!

Also--is everyone okay with me posting all my link-ups for one day on the same post? This will keep everyone from having to go thru post after post of just link-ups, especially since I am going to start linking up to several different places on different days.. Just let me know if this is a problem!

And THANKS again Christy from Raising Knights for recommending that site :)


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